
I'm May Schmitz.

Hello, I'm May Schmitz, a passionate therapist and advocate for Lymphatic health. Throughout my adult life, I struggled with unexplained swelling, chronic pain, and weight issues. I was frustrated, confused, and fed up with receiving contradicting information and nearly gave up hope, until I learned about Lymphatic Drainage. My healing journey has given me profound insights and has greatly impacted my overall well-being. It has fueled my unwavering commitment to help and share with others to finding relief and overcome those challenges.

My mission is to empower women to reclaim their health and live energetic, vibrant lives. With my skills and experience, I guide clients towards reduced pain, increased energy, mental clarity, and improved overall well-being. I firmly believe that by addressing Lymphatic health, we can embark on a transformative journey towards optimal immune health and wellness. I am dedicated to supporting each person, from square one, to equip them with tools, knowledge, and encouragement needed to achieve lasting results. 

Together, let's embrace a life of wellness, vitality, and freedom.

.-May Schmitz

Aside from my massage practice, I'm also an avid food enthusiast with a palate for diverse cuisines. When I'm not indulging in culinary delights, I like to hide away in a cozy corner with my nose in a book or hitting the trails, glamping with my family. And when wanderlust strikes my adventurous spirit, I love exploring new horizons-Iceland, Sweden, Jamaica, and my favorite, Hawaii. I am lucky to share these passions with my doting husband and sisters, making every experience even more special. If I had a superpower, it would definitely be to transport myself and anyone who wanted to go, anywhere in the world, with a snap of my fingers-- but helping people heal themselves is a great one too.

  • Credentials: 15536-26
  • Detox by Rebecca® Certified Lymphatic Expert  (Brazilian Lymph Detox Massage)
  • Blue Sky School of Professional Massage & Therapeutic Bodywork Graduate (May 2021)
  • MLD Certified ACOLS
  • Advanced MLD in Post Plastic Surgical Recovery

Our Team

Our amazing support team wield skills from different dimensions of healing- however we all have a common bond--to support people on their journeys to become the best versions of themselves,

whatever that may look like for you. 

June Rekowski

New Client Liaison & Aesthetics Trainee

Hi, I’m June Rekowski. I am currently an Aesthetician student with a passion for nurturing both skin and self. With my degree in Interior Design, I truly appreciate beauty in all things. I believe there’s so much power in taking care of yourself from the inside out. I am excited to join Mason Street Massage and although I have much to learn, I embrace new experiences that will come along with it.

Outside of my love for Aesthetics, I enjoy indulging in creativity through crafting, embracing the culture of the places I travel, and cherish moments with my husband and family. My dream vacation is somewhere with a rich culture where I can learn a new language, indulge in new foods, and a chance to take memorable photos in serene gardens and open landscapes. 

Rachel Affayroux

Client Relations & Office Manager

Hey there! I'm Rachel, a proud mom, wife, and veteran. I've been providing top-notch customer service at the Milwaukee Public Market for eleven amazing years. I'm thrilled to be starting a new adventure with Mason Street Massage, where I can't wait to meet new people and assist them with any questions they may have. I have been a client for many years. I truly believe in Lymphatic Drainage Massage is something everyone should experience. It has changed my life in so many ways. It has minimized the cellulite on my upper thighs and back of legs, my skin is smooth, sciatic nerve pain is gone, rebalanced my hormones, a clear head and over all sense of well being.

My perfect Sunday would be to wake up make breakfast go on a beautiful hike at Devils Lake. Then come home, grill dinner, and have a bonfire. I would love to get into gardening; I feel like it’s so relaxing and therapeutic. I would also love to learn more about Reiki. I think it’s such a beautiful healing tool. If I had a superpower, it is self-control and make positive changes in my life. 

Hanna Edstrom

Reiki & Soul Coach Practitioner/Yoga Instructor

Bio Coming soon!


If you  have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us!

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle, hands-on technique that aims to stimulate the lymphatic system, which plays a crucial role in removing waste, toxins, and excess fluid from the body. By using precise, rhythmic movements, MLD encourages the lymphatic vessels to transport lymph fluid more efficiently, reducing swelling, promoting detoxification, and enhancing immune function.

How does MLD support post-surgical recovery?

MLD is highly beneficial for post-surgical recovery. It helps reduce swelling, reduces pain, and accelerates healing. MLD can aid in the reduction of scar tissue formation and enhance tissue regeneration, leading to faster recovery and improved mobility.

What can I expect during my MLD session?

During an MLD session, you can expect a calm and relaxing environment. The therapist will use gentle, rhythmic movements on your skin, targeting specific areas of the body to stimulate lymphatic flow. The pressure applied is light and soothing, allowing you to unwind and experience a deep sense of relaxation.


What do I wear to my MLD session?

We offer a private suite for treatment. We recommend undressing completely along with all jewelry before getting onto the massage table. However, you may undress to your comfort level or leave underwear and socks on. You will always have a sheet (and a blanket in the winter months) to cover yourself. The therapist will always drape private areas properly and bolstering you to your comfort level.  

What do I do after my MLD treatment?

Some people sometimes report headaches and sometimes nausea after MLD; symptoms of dehydration. An easy fix and to nix these negative effects would be to keep hydrated with water and electrolytes, especially in the first 48 hours following treatment.

What is your Lymphatic System and how does it work?

The lymphatic system is a special part of our body that helps us fight germs and metabolic waste in a process called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is a process that happens in every living cell of your body. Just like how we need food for energy, our cells also need food to make energy for the body. It has tiny tubes that collect a special clear fluid called lymph, which helps to carry away waste and extra fluids. The lymph also has special cells that help fight against germs that might make us sick.
The lymphatic system is like a team that works together to keep our body healthy. The lymphatic system helps our body to stay healthy by removing the bad stuff and fighting against germs.

Mason Street Lymphatic & Therapeutic Massage

 Providing relief for chronic pain and inflammation

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